/ Gallery
I first met Tattoo Shorty while I was displaying some of my work at a 2001 Phish concert in Raleigh, NC. He told me that he worked as a tattoo artist in Virginia, but he also did airbrush paintings, and we discussed collaborating on a few pieces. Although we have met face to face only once - that day in Raleigh - we have collaborated (via mail) on several pieces over the years since then. For these shirts and tapestries (ranging from 5' x 6' to full sheet size), I will generally do my tie-dye work (not knowing what Shorty intends to do with it) and leave a white space in the center for Shorty to do his airbrush work. Sometimes he continues the tie-dye look with his paints. Please click on each photo to enlarge it,
and notice the way he plays his paints off of my tie-dye in a way that they merge as one seamless work of art making it difficult to tell where the tie-dye ends and the airbrush paint begins! (Shorty combines our two logos for this tapestry, above.)

Monsignor Bonner Ice Hockey {see their website}
© 2009 Adam Maiale, Adz-Art Hand Dyed Originals
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